FAQs & Instructions

Why does my company need to certify with Kohler Co.?

Your company is identified as a supplier to the family of businesses owned directly or indirectly by Kohler Co. Supplier companies are asked to certify (and acknowledge) compliance to specific business and import/export documents. This is by policy of Kohler’s Global Procurement organization. The Supply Management Platform provides a centralized repository for review, reporting and renewal.


Who may certify for my company?

Certification [and acknowledgement] must be by an authorized representative of the company who can certify on behalf of, and to bind, the Supplier. If you are uncertain of your authority, please inquire to your company’s legal department.

Examples include: 

  • Holder of delegated authority to certify company compliance
  • Company officer or vice-president or general manager
  • Owner or principal
  • Director


Should I respond separately for my company and each separately incorporated subsidiary?

No. Please submit only one set of responses for your company and all supplier subsidiaries under your control for global certifications.


What if I am not authorized to certify on behalf of my company?

Suppliers are able to manage their contacts and roles within the Supplier Management Platform. Please ensure the contacts and roles are updated appropriately before completing the Kohler certifications.


What if more than one person from my company was contacted to complete certification?

Based on the certification being requested, e.g. import/export compliance or supplier global certifications, different contacts may be identified. If a duplicate request is still an issue, please send an e-mail message to Kohler Supplier Management Platform with Subject “Duplicate Messages Received (Company Name).” In the message text, please specify for each message recipient 

  • First name + last name
  • Company name
  • E-mail sddress
  • Telephone number
  • Kohler Co. relationship manager (if known)


What if I don't supply Kohler Co. or its businesses?

Please send an e-mail message to Kohler Supplier Management Platform with Subject “Not a Kohler Supplier.” In the message text, please specify: 

  • First name + last name
  • Company name
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number
  • Has your company ever worked with Kohler Co.? If yes, please specify with whom you previously conducted business.


Who do I contact for help?

If you have certification system (technical) questions, please send an e-mail message to Jaggaer Customer Support. If you have questions about supplier certifications, please inquire to your Kohler relationship manager or send an e-mail message to Kohler Supplier Management Platform for global certifications or to Kohler Compliance for import/export compliance. 


Conducting Business

Existing Suppliers

If you are an existing supplier, you may log in to the new Supplier Management Platform (SMP) here.