Alex Ramirez, warehouse supervisor for all Kohler Co. engine facilities in Latin America, looks into the camera

Humble ambition.

Alex Ramirez, KOHLER Power - Warehouse Supervisor, Mexico City, Mexico

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When 22-year-old Alex Ramirez began sweeping floors at the Kohler Engines plant in Mexico City, he didn’t have a specific career in mind. He only knew he was going to work hard and learn as much as he could. Fast-forward nearly three decades, Alex has accomplished his goals and then some. 

Shortly after Alex started at Kohler, he quickly learned to use drills, milling machines and lathes, so he was asked to manage the plant’s numerical control machinery.

Then in 1995, when customer service reported repeat calls about the same failing engines and the plant’s mechanics and specialists couldn’t identify the issue, they called in Alex. Not only did he identify the problem, he designed a gear to fix the issue, an adjustment implemented in 400 new engines.

Alex now serves as warehouse supervisor for all engine facilities in Latin America but remembers fondly the years he spent working with his team in the plant—and the homemade meals he made for them twice a month.

“Gathering together to eat really helped to integrate our team,” Alex said. “We became not just coworkers but excellent friends.”

Hardworking, humble and kind. Who wouldn’t want a boss like that?


Gathering together to eat really helped to integrate our team. We became not just coworkers but excellent friends.

Your Kohler story begins here.