Three Kohler Co. employees paint a fence white as part of a volunteer experience

Volunteering our time and talents.

Good is essential to good business.

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Yes, we have engineers, analysts, designers and tradespeople. But there’s so much more to our story. Step inside Kohler and you’ll find people who care about the things that really matter, like lending a helping hand, solving problems and reimagining what it means to be a catalyst for change. We call them selfless, dedicated, compassionate and kind. At the core, they are people with heart who are on a mission to make a difference. We’re humbled by their character. Touched by their sense of humanity. Amazed by their contributions. And we couldn’t be more proud to both support their efforts and lead the charge that brings clean water and sanitation to areas of the world that need us most. We want to be part of the solution. Won’t you join us?

At Kohler, we believe that better business and a better environment go hand in hand; and we know that when we work as one toward a common goal, we can accomplish remarkable things. —Laura Kohler, SVP HR, Stewardship & Sustainability

Empowering future generations.

Kohler Engines in Reggio Emilia, Italy, recently hosted the First® LEGO® League competition, and engineer Federico Baldisserri led the way as a mentor for local students.

Shubham Agarwal

A guiding light for homeless children.

Teaching math and religious studies to homeless children, Shubham Agarwal has become a beacon of hope for disadvantaged kids. For him, it's a chance to make a difference.

Elcio Francisco da Silva

A mission close to his heart.

Elcio Francisco da Silva, volunteer leader of Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional (APAE), provides support and resources for children with disabilities, including his own daughter.

Vanessa Quiñones

Sowing seeds of hope.

Massage therapist Vanessa Quiñones didn’t wait to jump in and help when Hurricane Maria devastated so many areas of Puerto Rico. She took matters and seeds into her own hands.

Your Kohler story begins here.